How Is Voice Search Crucial For Digital Marketing?

Shamama Salman
3 min readFeb 24, 2022


Don’t you think that life would be so easier if you just say something of your desire and it happens? Imagine a businessman who can listen to the whisper of his client about the product he wants.

In this super speedy era where everyone is busy doing multitasking, it is the demand for moving one step ahead of your competitors to optimize your business for voice searches. The latest research shows that around 42% internet-using population of the world voice searched within a month.

This makes us embrace that voice search has become a necessity of every business. Undoubtedly, it is the future of digital marketing. Moreover, you can’t deny that searching with voice will also affect your SEO strategy.

How Is Voice-Search Different Than Type-Search?

If you type a query in the search box, it will be surely different than asking a question to somebody. Similarly, voice searches possess longer keywords, in fact mostly a complete sentence and conversational tone.

Benefit Of Longer Keyword And Complete Sentenced Query

You can get an idea about the intent of the searcher’s query and motivation for searching, which helps you to gain insight into your target audience. This could be another benefit for improving customer care view.

Local SEO Means A Lot For Voice Searches

An important fact is that a lot of vocal queries are done for local content. “Near me” is abundantly found in voice searches which suggest that you have to pay special attention to local SEO.

It would be more interesting to know that globally 27% online population prefers to voice search on mobile. Predominantly for the local businesses like restaurants, hotels, beauty salons, health care providers, household facilitators.

FAQs For Voice Searches

Purchasing is merely a two sentences steps journey for a buyer. It usually takes more than that until the person with the intent to buy gets satisfied and convinced with the answers of confusion in his mind.

At each step of his journey of buying, you need to create the content to answer and provide solutions to their pain points. FAQs pages can also help you to get featured in the Google “People also ask” section, which may result in further sales or marketing of your brand.


To achieve your sales target in this digital era, voice search optimization of your business is compulsory. As a matter of fact, for the upcoming period, you can say that your business survival in the market along with your competitors also depends on this innovative strategy of marketing.

A survey predicts that within 3 to 5 years banking, financial services, education, electronics are the major industries that will enhance the application of voice search globally. Although voice search digital marketing was adopted widely across all industries in 2021.

Besides sales, the voice search strategy of marketing not only offers insight into customer requirements but also gives an opportunity to increase customer loyalty. No one now can deny the truth that voice search is the future of digital marketing and an essential trend in SEO.

